Hi ! My group decided to research Thanksgiving day and do presentation about this topic. In this topic, I decided to reserch '' turkey ''.
I’m going to talk about Turkey. Turkey is the biggest bird among the Galligomes (Kizi in Japanese). The length of male’s body is about 122cm and female’s body is half that of the male one. Their body is covered with shining and polished feathers. During their breeding term, male’s body becomes bright and makes a group with one male and several females. If a turkey feels dangerous, it can fly to escape from danger.
I’m going to talk about Turkey. Turkey is the biggest bird among the Galligomes (Kizi in Japanese). The length of male’s body is about 122cm and female’s body is half that of the male one. Their body is covered with shining and polished feathers. During their breeding term, male’s body becomes bright and makes a group with one male and several females. If a turkey feels dangerous, it can fly to escape from danger.
It is said that turkeys were introduced from north America to Spain in 1519 and to England for Henry Ⅷ in 1541 and was gradually accepted to the world.
Turkey is not widely accepted meal because many people think that it’s only for Thanksgiving day. However, the fat is less oily than a chicken. In the United States, most people don’t eat wild turkey. They eat farmed ones during the season of Thanksgiving day. For American’s Thanksgiving day, more than 45million turkeys are eaten and American people consume more than 1.2billion kilos of turkey on this day!!